29th Annual Virtual SoFried Poetry Festival Event Guide, Updates & More!
Hello Slamily,
In this edition of our SoFried Poetry newsletter, we have a range of updates related to our upcoming virtual tournament from June 8-12, 2021. Whether you are a poetry lover who wants to inquire about how you can get involved or a potential competitor who wants to grab one of the remaining slots, scroll below to see how you can do so.
This newsletter also includes updates on the following:
- NEW! SF2021 Event Guide
- Sponsoring a Team/Indie Initiative
- Promoting Your Business or Company in Our Virtual Grab Bags
- Becoming an Official Community Partner for Virtual SoFried Poetry Fest 2021
- Upcoming Health & Wellness Check-In
- Q2 Slammasters Meeting Recap
- Call for Technical Managers for Virtual SoFried Poetry Fest 2021 Bouts
Click here to view the teams and Indies already registered! We need our community to spread the word as our goal is to have 32 teams and 16 Indies. Less than 21 days left until the festival! As always, email us at info@southernfriedpoetryslam.com for any questions or queries.
Southern Fried Poetry, Inc.

SF2021 Event Guide
Download the PDF
The #SF2021 Event Guide has been released on sofriedpoetry.com!
Check it out for exclusive information about this year’s virtual tournament including rules, schedule of events, livestream instructions & much more.

Sponsor a Team/Indie Initiative
We are gearing up for our virtual 29th Southern Fried Poetry Slam. Times haven’t been easy for our community of poets due to COVID-19 and its adverse impact on artists.
For that reason, we launched an initiative to pay for the registration costs of as many teams and Indies as possible. So far, we already have financial commitments to cover registration costs for two teams and two Indies.
Congratulations to the winners of the drawing for registration sponsorship! The winners will have their #SF2021 Registration fees paid for, or reimbursed after the tournament:
– Ehalakasa (Ghana)
– Jambalaya Slam Team (Durham, NC)
– Chashawna Wesby
– Ed Mabrey
Team registration costs are $275 while Indies registration costs are $175. If you cannot pay a full registration fee, we would graciously accept any amount you can offer. You can make your donation here.
If you are unable to make any financial contribution to this initiative, we would love to have you volunteer as a judge for one of our bouts. To volunteer, please complete this quick and easy form.
Patrons of this initiative will have their business’ name included in our event guide on a page entitled “Friends of SoFried Poetry”. Keep in mind that we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so any love offerings you give are tax deductible.
To learn more about our upcoming festival, please click here.

Promote Your Company In Our Digital Grab Bag Free of Charge!
Deadline for Submissions: May 29, 2021
This year, we will be giving out digital swag bags to all registered teams and Indies. Our goal is to promote the business endeavors of our community members. We want to drive more business to you while providing services and products to our community.
This initiative is available to paid members of our SoFried Poetry community at no cost. Annual membership is only $20. Click here to lock in your membership now. Simply complete this form to be considered for this offer.

Make Your Community Organization Our Official Partner for SoFried Poetry Fest 2021
Deadline for Submissions: May 29, 2021
We want your organization to be an official Community Partner for our upcoming virtual 29th Annual Southern Fried Poetry Slam. The goal is to secure judges from your organization for our competitive bouts which will happen nightly from June 8-12, 2021 at 5pm, 7pm, and 9pm. Judges need no prior experience or knowledge of poetry. The bouts cannot happen without judges, so your involvement would be critical to the success of this event.
If interested in participating, simply complete this quick and easy form and state that you would like to be a part of our Community Partner initiative. Below is a list of benefits to your organization if you choose to participate as well as the expectations we would have from you.
Benefits to your organization:
1) Inclusion of your organization’s name and logo in our event guide on Community Partners page
2) Promotion of your organizations social media handles and any upcoming events during any of the bouts in which your group may provide judges
3) Exposure of your group to over 200 poets from around the world and an excepted 500+ virtual festival attendees
4) Affiliation with a nationally-renowned poetry festival known for positive cultural programming
5) No financial obligation from you
What we would need from you:
-Provide at least 7 members at a minimum for one of our bouts during the 29th Annual Southern Fried Poetry Slam
-Shout out our upcoming festival on your social media channels

Q2 Slammasters Meeting Recap
Download Minutes Here
On May 6, 2021, we had our Q2 Slammaster Meeting. This quarterly meeting is a critical part of what we do as it gives Slammasters an opportunity to have their voices heard as it relates to the SoFried Poetry Community. We also keep this meeting open to our community of poets so that they can stay in the loop as well.
At the meeting, we discussed important topics related to the virtual SoFried Poetry Fest in June, our new Tournament Director, Eddie Vega, and more. You can download the minutes here. To view a recording of the meeting, please check out our website. As always, email us at info@southernfriedpoetryslam.com if you have any comments or suggestions on any items discussed during them meeting or if you have other items you would like to be considered for our Q3 meeting in June.

Call for Tech Managers
Fill out the Volunteer Form
We are looking for people proficient in Zoom-based events to work as technical producers for competitive bouts during SoFried Poetry Fest 2021. This is a paid gig. If interested, please email info@southernfriedpoetryslam.com and include a resume with your qualifications as well as the days and times that you are available from June 8-12, 2021, between the times of 3pm to 11pm EST.

Register a Team/Indie Now!
June 8-12, 2021
Deadline to Register: June 1, 2021
There are 11 Team slots and 3 Indie slots remaining for our upcoming Southern Fried Poetry Slam tournament. Teams and Indies can register to compete for $6,000 in cash prizes. For $275 (Teams) or $175 (Indies), you can be a part of America’s largest and longest-running poetry festival and slam competition.
Note: As we are a non-profit organization, we need our SoFried community’s support to continue growing and being of service to our community. Due to the aforementioned, a $20 annual membership fee is mandatory to compete in the festival. We appreciate your support!