2019 Additional Indies Slots
Hello Southern Fried Poetry Family,
We are excited about the opening of registration for this year’s Southern Fried Poetry Slam taking place in Fayetteville, NC. We are looking forward to gathering with you again to share our art, network, provide service to the community, and fellowship with each other. Due to the registration response so far, we see that you are excited as well!
For Teams, registration is split in two. March 1 is registration for in-region Teams. April 1 is open registration for in-region and any out of region Teams. Southern Fried also includes Indie (storm) poets. This year, we opened registration on March 1 for Indies. We realized that most of our Indie poets are in region or have attended Southern Fried in some capacity before, which means that they take their cue for registration from in-region Teams. That is the family that they are connected to and interact with throughout the year, so it makes sense to have registration for Indies and in-region Teams be the same. This allows us to better achieve our aim of serving our region in the best and most efficient way possible.
We recognize that in previous years, registration for Indies was at the same time as open registration. This means that there may be some poets who were waiting for open registration to secure an Indie spot. They may not have noticed the registration information on the website, so as we continue to transition syncing Indie registration with in-region Team registration, we want to make sure that we don’t leave out those poets who were used to the old date. Therefore, we are opening up 8 more slots on 4/1/19 during open registration. That means the number of Indie slots for this year’s festival will increase to 24! This will add one more indie between rounds to each bout during the festival.
16 slots became available on March 1. Those slots have all been filled.
Indie registration will now close until open registration begins on April 1.
At that time, 8 additional slots will be made available for open registration. Any previously reserved slots that are cancelled between now and April 1 will be added to the additional spots once registration for Indies re-opens. Once all slots are filled, poets can be placed on a waiting list. Notification of any slots that become vacant before the festival will be given to those on the wait-list, in order. Any vacant slots that become available once the festival begins will be prioritized to those on the wait-list that are in attendance, in order.
See the list of Registered Teams and Indies.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email info@southernfriedpoetryslam.com.