2022 Compliment battle
What is Compliment Deathmatch?
Compliment Deathmatch is a competitive spoken word game. Part rap battle, part haiku deathmatch, part poetry slam, it is an inverted roast battle. A honey roast competition where the competitors compliment each other and the best complimentarian wins! Compliments are profound expressions of gratitude, validation, and inspiration directed at a sole individual. Compliments are poetry for the loving sake of another. The champion here will be the one who expresses these compliments best. Compliments may be pre written, memorized, or improvised. Complimenters will have only 30 seconds to give their hearts to each other.
There will be five judges deciding which is the best complimenter in each round. These judges have been selected by the Board of Directors for their own abilities to compliment others. They are “subjective experts,” if you will.
Preliminary rounds will be best two out of three wins; the final round will be best four out of seven.
Adapted from “Compliment deathmatch – The rules and how to run one, written by RJ Walker”