2020 Tournament Update – 100 Days Out!
Greetings from the Board of Directors of Southern Fried Poetry, Inc.
We are almost three (3) months away from this year’s festival and have some updates for you:
Due to circumstances beyond our control, early team registration for the 2020 tournament in Tampa has been postponed until March 15, 2020. Preference will still be given to in-region teams in the month of March, and open registration will be April 1st for teams from all regions. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Here is a message from this year’s volunteer coordinator…
“Peace, Everyone.
We are very excited about the nation’s largest regional poetry slam returning to Tampa this Summer! We will be hosting our first Volunteer Orientation Session on Sunday, March 1st 2020 from 3:00pm-5:00pm.
The session will consist of discussing the various volunteer opportunities available and asking participants to identify their Top 3 roles of interest. We will also talk about taking some “Southern Fried Volunteer Field Trips”. A few things you can do to help:
Please note the dates of our volunteer training sessions on your calendar:
March 1st
April 5th
May 3rd
May 31st
and June 7th
All of these are Sundays and the time frame will be 3:00pm-5:00pm (unless otherwise noted). The sessions will rotate among the Hillsborough County Public Libraries. For those of you out of the area that would like to attend via Skype or Zoom, please let us know at least 3-5 days in advance.
The goal is to have experts in the various volunteer fields (scorekeepers, etc.) lead the sessions. This can be done virtually or in person.
If you or anyone you know may be interested in serving as a volunteer (in any capacity) please ask them to email us at sofried2020@gmail.com.
Remember: You don’t have to be knowledgeable about Poetry Slam to assist with Southern Fried Poetry. All we need is your interest and energy…we will provide the opportunity and experience!
Please let us know if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions.
Thank you all again.
Walter “Wally B.” Jennings
Volunteer Coordinator
2020 Southern Fried Poetry Festival
Tampa, Florida